Merging Java and HTML Programs

To merge a Java program with an HTML program, we need to understand that Java is a programming language that runs on the server-side, while HTML is a markup language used for creating web pages. There are a few ways to combine these two technologies:

Option 1: Java Servlets and JSP

One approach is to use Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) to create a web application. In this scenario, the Java program runs on the server-side, and the HTML pages are generated dynamically using JSP. The Java Servlet handles the business logic, and the JSP pages are used to display the output to the user.

Option 2: Java Applets

Another approach is to use Java Applets, which are small Java programs that run on the client-side (i.e., in the user’s web browser). The Applet can communicate with the HTML page using JavaScript. However, this approach is not commonly used today due to security concerns and the rise of alternative technologies like JavaScript and HTML5.

Option 3: RESTful Web Services

A more modern approach is to create a RESTful web service using Java, which exposes APIs that can be consumed by the HTML page using JavaScript and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). The Java program runs on the server-side, and the HTML page makes requests to the API to retrieve or send data.

Option 4: Java-based Web Frameworks

There are also Java-based web frameworks like Spring, Vaadin, and Play Framework that provide a way to build web applications using Java. These frameworks often provide a way to integrate with HTML templates and generate dynamic web pages.

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Arjun Kumar
Arjun Kumar

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